The Global Word for 'Police

Discover how different cultures refer to law enforcement


In albania, we say: Policia. The Albanian police focus on community engagement and safety, conducting various programs to enhance public trust


In Belarus, it's called: Паліцыя (Paličyja). The Belarusian police maintain public order, particularly during national events and celebrations.


In Bosnia, the term is: Policija. Bosnian police participate in international training for peacekeeping and conflict resolution.


In Bulgaria, they say: Полиция (Poliция). The Bulgarian police engage in community education initiatives focused on safety and crime prevention


In Croatia, it's: Policija. Croatian police work closely with the community to enhance tourism safety in popular areas.


In the Czech Republic, they say: Policie. Czech police utilize advanced technology for investigations, focusing on high-tech crime-fighting.


In Denmark, it's: Politi. Danish police emphasize community relations and transparency, adopting a proactive approach to policing.


In France, the term for law enforcement is simply 'police.' The French police are known for their community engagement and tourist safety initiatives.


In Germany, the word is 'Polizei.' German police emphasize crime prevention and work closely with local communities to maintain public order.